
Finance Training Courses: Top 30 posts across risk, treasury, derivative pricing and Basel III

Across 200,000 pageviews and 90,000 visitors here is a list of our top 29 posts over the last 8 weeks at Finance Training Courses. The posts cover the impact of US credit rating downgrade, basics of derivative pricing, ICAAP, dissecting gold models, business plan pitches, credit derivatives, structured products, counterparty limits, correlations, a first course…Read more

US Credit rating downgrade: DTCC, OCC and ICE say no change in treasury haircuts and collateral rules – Day Two.

Please see our previous two posts on the US credit rating downgrade posted earlier on Finance Training Course. The first post is an initial announcement and gut check, while the second reviews analysis published over the last 48 hours in global media supplemented by our opinions and outlook. US Credit Rating Downgrade Day One –…Read more